Sunday, January 24, 2010

How To Make Big Stock Market Returns In The Long Run As An Investor Or Trader

A Powerful Stock Market Idea Whose Time Has Come...

Wikipedia defines "thinking outside the box" as:

Thinking outside the box is to think differently, unconventionally, from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel, creative and smart thinking. This is sometimes called a process of lateral thought or lateral thinking.

Most of us know what that means, but very few investors or traders use it (or know how to use it) when it comes to the stock market. We are all in agreement that at least 90% of all traders and investors lose most of their money in time. Surprisingly, most traders still employ the same strategies or approaches that would result in a 90% failure rate. To do the same thing over and over again and expecting to achieve a different result is insanity.

So you have to ask yourself: What are you doing that is so unique from the majority of already failed traders (of all nationalities and IQs) before you? If you cannot answer that question, in time you will undoubtedly fail as a trader. There is just no way around it. It is pure and simple logic.

Are you addressing your gambling habits? Money management issues? Discipline? Could it be that your approach to (or your view of) the market is not very sound to begin with and that is what's creating all those above issues for you? Perhaps you might want to use lateral thinking and try a different approach?

Beating the "Sage of Omaha" Warren Buffett's returns will no longer be an elusive and daunting task, because now you have access to a spectacularly novel approach to the stock market that will take your trading and investing to the next level. Improving your long term stock market returns is easier than you think, if you would only look at the stock market from a very simple and logical perspective.

Every investor/trader wants to emulate or beat Warren Buffet's awesome 23% forty-years average compound annual returns. Many have tried and nobody has been able to do it yet. Don't get fooled by that 23% return. This is compounding 23% upon compounding 23% for at least 40 years. That means running $10,000 into more than $50 million within the span of those 40 years.

What if your goal was to get those kinds of compounding returns? Do you have a master game plan to help you achieve those lofty goals? How do you go about trading if you want to trade your way to massive returns, or do feel it's impossible to get those kinds of compound returns as a trader and that you have to be as good an investor as Warren Buffet? Do you have to be a master chartist?

Can you do this with penny stocks? If you were to try this route, can you imagine over $1 million dollars worth of penny stocks you'll be holding and trading?

Are you going to do this with stock options? A million dollars worth of stock options? Is that the way? How about the futures or the forex? How about small caps, midcaps, or large cap stocks?

Have you been pulling your hair (or what little is left of it) for years trying to find elusive holy grails of trading/investing and spending huge sums of money going to seminars and learning from gurus from all corners of the Earth, ultimately with not much to show? Were you one of those eBay bidders vying for a one hour lunch with Warren Buffet for over $1 million dollars? That's crazy, especially when the answer to all your confusion is just right under your nose!

Have you seriously thought about how you are going to get where you want to be? Or, are you just trading aimlessly day by day to see what you can get, without any game plan? I don't trade without a master game plan. If you don't have a game plan, it's almost certain you will lose money over the long run. It took me years to finally figure out the right way or game plan to approach the stock market with the least confusion and the most profit potential. Don't get confused that a game plan is some get-rich scheme. This is not a get-rich scheme where you go to sleep for a few months and wake up a multimillionaire. My approach is a simple and logical long term approach to the stock market and gives you the best chance, of anything I've seen out there in all my years of trading and investing, at a chance of beating Warren Buffett's long term record. Fortunately, my approach does not require you to get involved with risky instruments such as futures, stock options, forex or penny stocks. In fact, the money management system described in my book presents a very strong case on why you should not get involved with those types of risky instruments because they are detrimental to your accounts. By employing lateral thinking, you can get massive returns without the traditional massive risks.

Find out how strong a foundation and what time-tested principles my system was constructed upon. Money management, the real holy grail of trading/investing, will no longer be an elusive concept. Again as a byproduct of lateral thinking, my book helps you with money management in the most impressive way possible. As a result, you will be awakened with a renewed enthusiasm for the stock market like never before. Also, my approach is highly scalable - everybody can use it; It doesn't matter whether you are rich or have only a few thousand to your name.

If you're a losing trader, a confused trader, a profitable trader who wants to be much more profitable, or someone who wants to trade for a living, then you might want to read about my logical and powerful approach that I use everyday to make a living trading (and creating an impressive stock portfolio) from the stock market. Get the introduction chapter of my system for FREE by emailing me at, or subscribe to our free newsletter in the "Subscribe" box of this blog by entering your email address.

Stop wasting money on so many of the nonsense monthly stock trading subscriptions that are everywhere. You should only have to pay once for advice so you can learn to fish for yourself. If you really learned something from stock picking subscriptions, then why do you have to continue paying richly sums to the gurus month after month, year after year? In my opinion, my money management approach, though simple, is the only road map you really need to achieve viable long term trading/investing success. Once you have this powerful idea and use it, I believe the way you see the stock market changes forever.

I personally live and breathe this approach everyday as a professional day trader and investor. As far as I'm concerned, my approach is original, powerful, and paradigm-shifting idea whose time has come. Get the powerful full hardcopy version of my system and start learning how to trade/invest stocks for a living the right way and to build long term wealth.

For most people, the manuscript may be the only thing that can transform their stock market failures into one of future success.

Get the powerful full 65-pages hardcopy 'How To Make Big Stock Market Returns In The Long Run As A Trader Or Investor' sent to your home address or P.O. Box for $500 plus shipping. Click here to order.

Best Wishes,
Beanieville Inc./Warren Buffett Blog


Some unsolicited testimonials..........

Hi... I received the manual last Fri & read it cover to cover over the weekend... your ideas made a lot of sense... like so many others, I have been trading like a lost soul for many years with nothing to show for it... I started applying your methodology & picked...
(S.M., New York)

Since getting your manuscript last week I have applied it on 3 stocks with great success, I have done 6 trades and 5/6 have been profitable the other was minimal loss .02 per share but I pay no commissions other than exchange fees so it is really a good program for me.

(R. Beard, Missouri)

Thanks for the manuscript. It was a great read, and gave me some definite lateral insight thinking. It was worth every penny. Is your name/nickname beanie? Not sure what to call you........ I'm an R.N. with two artificial knees from giving to others my whole life, and now I'm in a position where none of our social systems will help me (because I have the "valuable R.N. license", so I will help myself, and make three times my hourly wage with the insights you have provided me. I will succeed because I am patient, and will do trades the way a sniper tracks his mark.
God bless you, and your family.
Regards, Karl

(Karl C, Colorado)


It's so simple......... Now I see the light!

(H. Small, Florida)

Dear Beanie,
I received your system last week and I was thrilled as to how easy to understand it was. I am a self employed business owner so I know exactly what you are talking about. The logic and simplicity of your system is astounding. I just can't believe I couldn't figure it out all these years being in the market. I wished I had your system in my hands sooner so I wouldn't have to waste my money worrying about what stock to pick next. It is so simple and away with the emotional up and down roller coaster feeling I endured with the fluctuation market. I am going to do things differently and will apply your system starting next week.

Thank you so much.
(Karen B., California)

Beanie man, you have the greatest ideas and the most useful approach to the market out there and I thought I seen it all. At first, I thought you were selling some shit vaporscript, but after having read it I realize you're so logical, insightful, and very intelligent guru. Just wanted to send you a testimonial because you've helped me so much. Thanks. Like you, I am going to rule the market.

(D. Nguyen, Texas)

I love u man, for all your help. Been doing it your way like.........................
Just killing it, my trading account and IRA. Cancelled all my subscriptions. Dude, I think you're gonna be famous one day!

(J. Mann, Illinois)

...made a small fortune so far trading your ideas. I started with only $28k. I chose to play ........ because I love these stocks. For the first time in my life I feel like I can do this for a living. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

(C. Tyler)

The manuscript/book came on Monday for two weeks. I read it (yes, my english is good enough for that) and it's nearly similar with my own ideas that i have for six or seven years. But with a couple of more ideas from you. That help me for more focused of the right things. I playing the last years with Hyips, Options and agressive Managed Account's. But the easy way (Your way) is the best way, i think.

(C. Willman)